For a roofing company to prosper, prospective customers must be able to easily find it online and decide whether it is a trustworthy and suitable choice according to what they need. You need to provide comprehensive and reliable information to potential customers who browse for roofing services or visit your website directly. At that point, one of the first things you should do in your digital marketing strategy is create a Google My Business Profile. Make sure your company stands itself from the competition as well.
If your listing on Google My Business has not been optimized, this guide can help you in boosting your online presence and business.
Continue reading to find out more about how to optimize Google My Business for roofers.
What is Google My Business for Roofers?

A platform created exclusively for local businesses is Google My Business, a subsidiary of Google, Inc. Getting the word out about your business is not always easy, even if you try to advertise locally.
With Google My Business, you can focus on what matters—your clients and customers—while reaching a far larger audience in less time.
Tips on How to Optimize Google My Business for Roofers
Roofing businesses should now focus on enhancing their Google My Business (GMB) listing. Enter your login credentials and select your business’s name from the GMB dashboard. Fill out as much as you can because your GMB profile provides Google with essential data about your company, and providing as much information as you can is the ideal optimization strategy.
Here are some tips on how to optimize Google My Business for Roofers.
Get Verification
You must sign up for and verify your Google My Business account. Go to https://www.google.com/business/ to register and take authority over your business listing. For verification, you must include your company’s name, location, and contact information.
Use your Official Business Name
After logging into your Google My Business account and having it verified, click the “Info” option located on the left side of the screen to start editing your business’s details. Ensure that the business name being used online matches the legal version of the business name.
If the name of the business is inconsistent with what appears online, it may affect future search engine rankings as well as confuse customers.
Include a Business Description
You can inform Google and potential customers about the services you provide by including a business description in your listing.
This appears at the bottom of the information panel, so customers who are looking into your business will also see it.
Choose the Business Category
Your GMB’s MOST important aspect is most likely this. You will never be able to rank locally for any of the roofing terms in Google Maps if you do not have the appropriate primary category.
Make sure that “Roofing Contractor” is your primary business category if roofing is your primary service. Include any contractual services you provide, such as siding, gutters, windows, and so on, in the “Additional Categories” sections.
List the Services Provided
This is a recent, but significant, upgrade to GMB. You can specify the services you offer, list their costs, and give a brief description of each under each category.
You should list every service, including the ones you do not provide. It will take less effort for your staff to be interviewed for services offered over the phone if you are more transparent about the company online.
Include the Business’s Contact Information

Your main office number should be your contact information; be sure to get it correct because it will be broadcast over the internet on all of your business’s web pages!
Include the Business’s Office Hours
Make sure the hours you provide for your office hours are accurate. Customers may find it confusing if you advertise to be open around the clock yet close at 6 p.m.
Upload Photos
You can’t complete your GMB listing without photos. Make sure your profile photos, cover photos, and logo have been uploaded first. Because it is the foundation of what appears on your listing, be sure it is consistent with your company’s image.
Upload Videos
Upload the procedure, documentary, or before and after videos of the service. The videos must not exceed 100 MB in size and be no longer than 30 seconds.
Take note to add a short description before uploading!
Post Customer’s Reviews
Not only may posting reviews from satisfied customers increase your trustworthiness, but Google is also going to recognize your business with “Gold Stars” when customers find you through its search results.
As soon as you begin receiving reviews, be sure to respond to every one of them, including the bad ones. This demonstrates to Google that you are active in your GMB dashboard and to potential customers that you are responsive to all of your customers.
Include an Option to Message and Quotation Request

The majority of property owners prefer to use email, mobile apps, and online platforms for arranging appointments with roofers. This is made easier by Google, which gives your GMB profile a messaging or quotation request option.
Downloading the Google Business App on your phone is the best solution. Roofers can use this app to receive notifications about inquiries and respond to them promptly. It will also be easy for roofers to add Google posts, check statistics, and reply to reviews.
Your GMB profile will serve as your initial point of contact with potential customers instead of only your website. Websites that attracted a lot of traffic in the past were those that needed basic information about the company, including its address, phone number, reviews, or proof of services.
Users are likely to turn into customers for numerous local businesses even if they didn’t get through your website.
Following the above tips on how to optimize Google My Business for roofers will ensure that your roofing business is recognized and generates more leads.